Sunday, May 30, 2010

No Longer a 5K Virgin (Pt. 1)!

So, let me start by saying, I refuse to waste an entire post explaining my brief hiatus. In short, the thought of blogging started to illicit the feeling I get when I wait until the last minute to complete my grad school assignments.  Blogging started to feel like an assignment or a chore, no longer exciting or fun. BUT, as of late, I started to miss blogging and my bloggy buddies.  In addition, I let a few people ruin the experience of blogging for me. With that being said...on with the show!

A few post ago I suggested that my blog readers "stay tuned"  for an exciting announcement.

Ladies & gentlemen, I ran my 1st 5K on May 8th! My mom, cousin and myself ran the Summer Kick-Off Fun Run.
 On Thursday before the race, I picked up my participant's packet from the local ON-THE-RUN running store. Retrieving my packet made the experience surreal. When I pulled my bib from the bag, a plethora of emotions flooded my body: anxiety, trepidations, excitement, just to name a few. After I checked out my race swag I headed home and  dressed for my last day of training.

So how did I train for my first 5K? I chose the Couch to 5K (C25K)approach to prepare. Truth be told, I started the C25K program last summer, but for whatever reason I quit  during the middle of week 6...go figure. This time around I COMPLETED the program and now stand before you a C25K graduate. I AM PROUD to say write I CAN run for 30 consecutive minutes! thinking about running now? For novice runners, like myself, I recommend this iTunes C25K app.

 Why choose this app? Well for starters, the ability to use my favorite songs for my running play-list appealed to me.
 For last summer's first attempt, I downloaded a podcast , which utilizes the podcast creator's music of choice. Some songs I enjoyed, while other grated on my nerves. Each week you run to the same podcast for 3 days, so on the third day  those nerve graters make you want to run into oncoming traffic, or hurl your iPod  through someone's windshield. For me, music makes a world of difference in my workouts. Quite frequently, the right song brings me from the brink of throwing in the towel.

If you own an older generation iPod, download the C25K podcasts here. Other podcasts, 5K programs, and apps exist; so, you need to find what works for you.

Stay tuned for more pics, race info, AND a wacky vlog detailing my first 5K experience. My mom "lost" my  race card, so when she finds my card, I can provide you with more race the fact that I probably finished 599 out of

Before I wrote this post about my 5K adventure, I revisted an older post, titled...In honor of my 50th post. In a nutshell, I celebrated my 50th post by making a list of 50 reasons why I want to remove this weight forever. #35 on my a 5K! Well now, that's one more "achievement" I can cross of my 50 Reasons List!


  1. A 5k!! That is freakin awesome!!

  2. Congrats sweetie! So proud of you!

  3. Way to go!! Congratulations :)

  4. Glad you're back. I just started
    C25K and was looking for others who have done it or doing it. Congrats, on your 1st 5k. I hope to cross that off my list soon too!

  5. You rock!!!!! Mark 'em off girl.

  6. Congratulations!!! New to your blog and this post was right on time for me...hubby and I will start training for our 1st 5k run tomorrow!!! Thank you so much for this post and congratulations again on completing the go!!!!

  7. Congratulations! I am going to have to check out that C25K app. Will it work on the new generation iPhones? I love the idea of my own music, because I am like you. I want my OWN music.

  8. Way to go!!! I'll be running my fist 5K in Sept. Congratulations!!!

  9. Oh wow! That's wonderful! Congrats

  10. Werk it (yes, werk girl! Awesome!

  11. YEAH!!! for you, you did an excellent job. I am very proud of you!!! Keep it up. I love the 50 reasons to lose weight idea. So cool.
    Have a great weekend and God Bless!!!

  12. Congratulations girl!

  13. You rock, lady! That is so totally awesome!

  14. That's great! That is so exciting! Keep it up!

  15. Get it girl! I am so proud of you. And who made blogging unpleasant for you...I.WILL.DESTROY.THEM.FOR.YOU!!!!!


  16. YAY!! Congrats on your first 5K!

  17. Congrats on your first 5K and may I add that you look lovely in that shade of pink.

  18. Congratulations! What an accomplishment!

    You are a rockstar!


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