Saturday, February 13, 2010

Need Motivation? Join the Challenge!

Okay...FINALLY...the CUTE as a BUNNY Easter (weight loss) Challenge Details...

O...first things first.  TOM and I weighed  in today, and loss .4, moving on. Now, for the challenge...after reading several blogs, I discovered many of us need some much needed motivation. Plus, I also read somewhere that most New Year's Eve resolutions start to fade around or after Valentine's Day; so, I decided to start the Cute as a Bunny Easter Challenge. Without furhter adieu the deats:
  • The challenge starts Monday, February 15, 2010 and ends Monday, April 5, 2010 (7 weeks).

  • According to Weight Watchers (WW) healthy weight loss constitutes losing 1-2 pounds a week, so all participant should strive to lose 1 pound weekly...7 lbs. in 7weeks (7/7). If you lose your 7 before the end of the challenge...KEEP GOING!

  • Every week, each participant must set a mini-goal. For example, my mini-goal next week...TRACK EVERYDAY! If you meet your mini-goal,  report your accomplishment on your blog.

  • If you choose to participate, please write a brief blurb about the challenge and post on your blog. Link the post back to my blog.
Any suggestions on how to improve this challenge, email Let's all pull together and support each other. If you desire additional support, email me your info and I will pair you up with another challenge participant. Once paired up you guys can decide how you plan to encourage each other.

O yeah...take a button and post it on your blog. I tried to do that whole HTML thing but my head started hurting from thinking too hard; so, just copy and past the button to your blog. I also plan to  provide progress buttons, so check back.



  1. OK COunt me in...What a great way to start the week!! THANKS for keeping me (and everyone else) motivated!!

  2. I so needed this...stop by and read my blog tomorrow. It is week 6 of my WL journey...I am lacking motivation. I will be adding your button to my blog this next week. I love that Monday will be my day that I can mentally get ready for. Thanks so much!!!

  3. Count me in! Thanks for putting the challenge together. :)

  4. Done and Done!
    Heres to cute bunnydom!

  5. Great challenge! What I like BEST about it is that it is NOT focused on a weight loss # each week (yeah I know we all want to lose) I like that MINI goal idea of just TRACKING all week. LUV IT! :)Gotta grab my bunny.... lol

  6. Ok I just posted a blog post about it- I am starting on TUESDAY (since that is my WI day) and I plan on a mini goal of TRACKING MY ASS OFF! lol :)

  7. All right, Girl, count me it. And FYI? It's on!

  8. Okay. I'm committed. I posted about it.

  9. I am on board too. I have a separate blog that chronicles my weight loss. It is Metabolism Blues.

  10. I'm new here. Tammy sent me over. I'm in too! Mondays are my regular weigh-in day anyways, so it is perfect.

  11. I'm in! You can see the post about it here

    Thanks so much!

  12. It's on like popcorn!! I love challenges because I'm very competitive, I know I can't help it, lol!!! Anyway.. if this will help kick my butt into high gear, than I'm in!!

  13. I am in! Here's the link to my blog

  14. I'm in too! That would be awesome to be 7lbs lighter in 7 weeks! I'm pretty good about tracking, so I'll set my mini goal to be at least 20 min. of activity this week (harder than it sounds with my hubs out-of-town and me home working/taking care of the kids!) oh, and water. Definitely will make sure I get enough water this week.

  15. Okay, check out my post about the challenge -
    Now excuse me while I go complete my mini goal for the day...

  16. I'm in! Grabbed a button and posted on my blog about the challenge today. Thanks for the motivation!

  17. Hi There...I'm really going to try to stick with this challenge! I've added a button/post to my blog.

    Good luck to you and everyone else!

  18. Great idea! I'm all in and will post about it tonight.

  19. Thanks for this challenge. I am following Weight Watchers and so far have lost 52lbs, but boy, after 50 I really lost my motivation. This is the kick in the behind I need!

  20. I've been wandering far far from the healthy path but I have a new map and I'm headed in the right direction once again.

  21. Single Ma pointed the way for me. I know I'm a day late, but jumping in anyway. Thanks for kicking this off.

  22. I'm a little late but count me in:

  23. Woohoo!!
    Count me in.
    Post coming on my blog in the afternoon.

  24. How could I resist a challenge with an adorable pink logo?!?! I'm in! :)

  25. YESSSS! Started following your blog just in time! I'm in...posting button on my blog now!

  26. Totally love the idea, I am taking the challenge!
    Posted info to my blog.

  27. I have been reading your posts for awhile about this cute as a bunny blog challenge, and its clear I missed this round but I look forward to next challenge and I'm impressed by your perseverance!:)

  28. So this challeng is over with, I'm late...always late.... So what's next? A spring fling, Summer something...You've got to do something. Don't ya?
    I read a lot of the challengers blogs, this was an excellent idea.
    Take care and have a great and blessed afternoon.

  29. Are you going to do another weight loss challenge? We all appreciate the weight loss motivation. Have you tried these helpful weight loss tools? Macro Calculator More Weight Loss Calculator

    Best Regards,


First off all, THANKS for stopping by and for those of you following...THANKS for following AND indulging my MADNESS. Please feel free to holla back or provide your 2¢. I WILL TRY to respond to ALL comments via email. AGAIN THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT!

Join the "CUTE as a BUNNY Weight Loss Challenge"

Join the "CUTE as a BUNNY Weight Loss Challenge"
Grab a Button!

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