Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How are those New Year's resolutions working out for ya?

First and foremost, I want to thank all of you for your continued support:
My New Blog Buddies: Thanks for allowing my blog the opportunity to entertain and motivate you as we both struggle through our weight loss endeavor. Many many many times I wanted to surrender and just give up, but your blogs and comments encouraged me to persevere. 
Me So Hongry First-Timers:WELCOME! Sit back, strap
 on your seat belt and get ready for a roller coaster ride. Experience my ups and downs with me, and I hope you plan to return time and time again.
My Supportive Lurkers:You know who you are. Show me some love wh
en stopping by my blog.

So, how are those New Year's Resolutions working out for ya? If you made resolutions and stuck with them, congratulations, you successfully made it through DAY 26! For those of you who floundered, shake it off! As of 2011, I resolve to never make another New Year's resolution...wait, I think I just inadvertently made a  resolution. Okay, starting now, no more resolutions.  As most of you know, I pride myself on keeping it real; so, let's get real!  For eons, millions of people start the New Year by resolving to lose weight, and by the end of January that resolution among others falls by the wayside.  Well, instead of making New Year's Resolutions,  how about making some New Year's Solutions

Aside from sheer laziness, I never track. According to our leader, those who fail to track eat 30-50% more.  Based of my previous dismal weigh-ins, I believe that statistic to be true. 

To remedy my lack of tracking, I PLAN AHEAD! That means, I create a weekly menu listing options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks. At night (if time permits), I choose meals from my weekly menu. Based on my meal choices, I track my food using the WW app or eTools. Last night I tracked my meals for today, and I stayed within my daily points allowance...even when faced with the temptation of cookies at a school event. In short, tracking the night before holds me accountable.

First of all, I teach first grade. As a result, I eat lunch at 10:30 AM, YES 10:30 AM!! By 1:00 PM the hungry monster starts knocking on my door saying, "Let me in!"  If time permits, I sneak a little snack. On hectic busy days, I struggle to steal away for a 1:00 PM snack. Sometimes, time flies and before you know it, the dismissal bell rings at 3:05 PM. When I skip my 1:00 PM snack, the hungry monster beats down my door saying, "FEED ME NOW!" If I fail to pack appropriate snacks, I grab the first available bag of crap: chips, mini donuts, leftover lounge goodies...anything. So what to do to stave of the hungry monster when you eat lunch at 10:30 AM?

To stave of my little friend, I pack an abundance of fruit and veggies! With the new points plus program I enjoy MORE nutritious and filling  fruit and veggies for 0 points! YES 0 POINTS! With the old WW program, a points value was assigned to each fruit and some veggies.

 So with the old program...when face with the choice of choosing a 2 pt banana or a 2 pt WW ice cream treat...you know which one I choose. I choose the ice cream sandwich! Who the heck wants to waste 2 pts on a banana when I can eat ice cream. NOW WITH THE NEW PROGRAM I CHOOSE THE BANANA FOR 0 POINTS AND I EAT THE ICE CREAM LATER IF POINTS REMAIN IN MY DAILY POINTS TOTAL OR WEEKLY POINTS ALLOWANCE. In short, fruits and veggies keep you satisfied and full longer. 

I also keep other snacks in my hungry monster attacks emergency bag:

  • WW cheese sticks (1 pt) & orange wedges
  • hard boiled egg & apples
  • For my sweet tooth: Sugar Free Jello & Pudding
  • Sometimes I need a little crunch: Light BBQ Pringles, Wasa & Laughing Cow
  • Homemade Tortilla Chips and Salsa
I usually stop blogging for one of two reasons (or both):
  1. Life gets in the way...
  2. I lose my motivation and fall of the wagon.
For whatever reason I frequently lose my motivation which makes consistency something hard to maintain. And the problem with a loss of motivation, I eat whatever, my workout frequency decrease, and my writer's block returns and prevents me from blogging...which explains my recent 2 month hiatus. 

The only advice I can offer for a lack of consistency...a quote from a previous WW meeting:
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but ANYBODY can start TODAY and make a NEW ENDING!"


  1. New Years SOLUTIONS....I like it!

    Looking at my blog, I know exactly when I fall off the band wagon and lose motivation...Yup, it's when I stop blogging.

  2. New Year's Solutions are a great idea. Glad you are back to bloging! Keep up with your solutions and you are going to meet your goals.

    Peace and blessings

  3. You are awesome!

    You're so inspiring! I love your Blog and I don't even have a weight problem. I do, however, have motivation problems and nutrition problems so your Blog really helps me keep focused or get re-focused.

    Thank you for sharing and Posting and keeping up your Blog. I know you're doing it for you and it holds you accountable for your goals in life but it's obvious you're all about supporting others as well - so thank you.

    I LOVE the New Year's Solutions idea!!!!

  4. I just started my weightloss progress. It took me so long to get started but I am tryig to stay motivated. So that's why I love reading your blog. My goal is 30 pounds. lol We are going to stay positive!!

  5. Hey Trina!!! I'm glad your back. I really enjoy reading your blog. You're an awesome writer.

  6. I've missed your posts! It sounds like you are putting together a workable plan.

  7. What a great blog title! Once I saw it I had to click. I'm doing well so far this year...8lbs down and feeling like a warrior.

    My blogging is erratic though, I'm reading other peoples today for motivation. I just started this year and once I get more organized, I'd like to link to your blog if that's ok.

    keep at it!


  8. Good to hear from you Trina! I tell you girl, these resolutions can be something. I decided to make the entire 2011 year my year. No more playing around. I agree with you, we need to make solutions! 2011 we be our year to meet our goals and kick butt!! :-)From all your planning, sounds like you are on your way!

  9. My new year's resolution was 1) to exercise on my mini trampoline every day and 2) to lose 25 pounds. I am happy to say that this year, I have been consistent and because I have kept at my number 1 resolution, I have been losing weight an so on my way to achieving my number 2 resolution. I firnly believe you have to make exercise fun if you're going to keep at it and my mini trampoline sure makes that a reality! Good luck with your goals!!


First off all, THANKS for stopping by and for those of you following...THANKS for following AND indulging my MADNESS. Please feel free to holla back or provide your 2¢. I WILL TRY to respond to ALL comments via email. AGAIN THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT!

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