I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! WAAAAZZZZUUUUUUUP!?!? Once again, I fell of the proverbial weight loss wagon and hid from the scale for about 3 weeks (maybe more). Last Saturday I finally decided to MAN UP and weigh in! GUESS WHAT...I ONLY gained .8 lbs., not even a whole lb. That minuscule gain tells me...even though I get off track (more often than I'd like) my healthy lifestyle changes help me keep my bad habits and weight in check. Just think what would happen if I consistently applied myself!
Every now and then I experience weight loss setbacks and lose sight of my goals and objectives. SO...what's the best thing to do when setbacks occur? For me, I like to reflect on my accomplishments, and focus on all the things I CAN DO NOW! In other words..CHEER MYSELF ON! GOOOOO MEEEEEEEEEE!