Saturday, July 10, 2010


LET THERE BE LIGHT! After a week (seemed like an eternity) WITHOUT U-Verse & Internet, AT&T arrived bright and early this morning to connect me with the rest of society!

For those of you in the dark, I moved last weekend. My recent move aged me a few years. One catastrophe after another sent me spiraling into a food binge. I felt like a crack-head on a crack bender as I ordered numerous combo meals my drug of choice at various drive-thrus "crack-houses". Slowly...very slowly but surely I seem to be on the mend. Very slowly.

I plan to spend this weekend getting settled and completely unpacked. A Niagara Falls water leak in my bedroom and a 4 day staff development stifled my unpacking progress. More about my disastrous move to follow...including pictures. 

Tell me...have you ever experienced a move from HELL?!


  1. Welcome back 2 being connected. I can imagine what a pain it would/could be.

  2. Girl, I've been following the whole thing. I've never seen anything like it. A couple of issues here and there, but yours tops any story I've experienced or heard! Welcome back to civilized land!

  3. I would have to say I have had more than one. Being married to a man who was in the service for 20 years makes a risk for it. One move the truck we had was stick and neither of us know how to drive one. Plus the truck had an obscene drawing on it. Everything got packed. Including the railings for the stairs to the old place. That was just one. You will make it. Just take it one day at a time, because right now it's all you can do.


First off all, THANKS for stopping by and for those of you following...THANKS for following AND indulging my MADNESS. Please feel free to holla back or provide your 2¢. I WILL TRY to respond to ALL comments via email. AGAIN THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT!

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