Tuesday, June 28, 2011

SAME blog, NEW look!

Last week, I impulsively decided to get a blog makeover.  I tried to redesign my blog myself a few times, but it took FOREVER to figure out the in and outs of blog designing. It took me 2 DAYS to design my previous header.  
For several months I searched for a blog designer, a reasonably priced blog designer...but to no avail I found a bunch of high priced designers.  I gave up my search, but thanks to Toot at Wonderfully Complex, I found Jen from Just Foolin Blog Designs.

Since I decided on a whim to make some necessary and much needed changes, I had absolutely, positively, no idea of what I wanted. Jen sprung into action and suggested the pic you see in the header!  I quickly grabbed my camera, turned my dining area into a portrait studio, and started snapping away. In no time Jen created a mock-up for me to see! She works FAST!

And  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, my Facebook and Twitter badges!! LOVE IT!! And my blog  button...SUPER JAZZY. I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! The video below describes exactly how I feel about my new look!!
Make sure you grab my button, it's FREE!! 

I plan to make a few more changes and then my new look will be complete! FYI, iPhone and iPad  users, the blue background does not show up. As much as I love sitting here yammering on and on about my new look, I really want to finish watching Season 1 of TRUE BLOOD...FANGBANGIN TIME!


Thursday, June 23, 2011


I strongly believe in the power of dance! I dance EVERYWHERE: in the car, in the kitchen while cooking, at the gas station pump, in the mall, in the street, during after-school dismissal duty, at the park while jogging, EVERYWHERE!

Dancing enhances my life in so many ways:
  • Dancing provides an opportunity to squeeze in some cardio and burn calories. Sometimes at red lights, I activate my Polar to see how many calories I burn while waiting for the light to change.  
YES, I dance in the car, and YES people see ME!  My fave red light tunes: SINGLE LADIES by BEYONCE, FIREWORKS by KATY PERRY, SOMEBODY TO LOVE by J. BEIBS, and FOREVER by CHRIS BROWN! 
  • Dancing adds excitement to my day!
  • Dancing offers a creative outlet for me to express myself! 
Speaking of dancing,  the other day I ran across the video posted below, and I thought to myself, "I CAN'T BELIEVE I NEVER POSTED THIS!" 2 summers ago my boys talked me into taking a Mommy & Me class, well in my case Mommy & MEs. Despite much apprehension about participating, I...well we, thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and I even burned a few calories! Without further adieu...

      Did you see my sweet moves? And can you believe when I do dance, my boys have the audacity tell me, "MOM, sit down! Where do they think their talent comes from? Heeellloooo...ME! You know the saying:
      "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!"
      My apples received all of their talent from this tree. The first video features my oldest showcasing his choreography skills from a class he taught last week:

      The next video showcases my youngest...the comedian.

      So, now I challenge YOU! Shoot a video of yourself busting a move (e.g. running man, cabbage patch, robo-cop, the wop, dougie, wheelchair stuntin, etc) and then post the video on your blog!

      Sunday, June 19, 2011

      I CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH...The Truth About Tracking!

      NO...I CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH...the truth about the foods I eat, well the truth about the bad food choices I make. When I choose poorly, I conveniently forget to TRACK. Why do I conveniently forget to TRACK? I don't want to face the truth.

      Friday, June 10, 2011

      I Got What I Deserved!

      Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! It took many tries, but I finally remembered my Blogger password and user name. I bet, if I blogged more than once a month I would remember. Anywho....

      So folks, I got what I deserved! Plain and simple, I tried to buy some donuts in a vending machine...
       and....well the donuts refused to budge from their home. 
      I placed my dollar in the mouth of the vending machine, my money disappeared and in return I received nada, zilch, zero, nunca! BUT I GOT WHAT I DESERVED! I HAD NO BUSINESS BUYING DONUTS IN THE FIRST PLACE! Lesson learned? 


      Join the "CUTE as a BUNNY Weight Loss Challenge"

      Join the "CUTE as a BUNNY Weight Loss Challenge"
      Grab a Button!

      Tales from the scale

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