Tuesday, June 9, 2009

HYC-Weekly Update...Week?

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Well...I guess...week 3...IDK? So, last week no loss. I experienced a .6 gain. However, the week before last, I lost 2.6. I need to keep a more detailed journal. A journal provides the opportunity for me to revisit successful weeks. I must get back on my grind, and the summer gives me the perfect chance to get back on track...yet again.

To-Do List:
  1. Look in the mirror.
  2. Smile.
  3. Say something positive: You CAN and you WILL win this weight loss tug-o-war. I may have lost a few battles but I WILL WIN the war.


  1. I'm with you, so we can jump back into the groove together!

  2. Let's DO IT!! I got in 3 miles today...a walk/jog combo.

  3. I have been resisting a food journal and i need 2 get on it soon. Ugh.


First off all, THANKS for stopping by and for those of you following...THANKS for following AND indulging my MADNESS. Please feel free to holla back or provide your 2¢. I WILL TRY to respond to ALL comments via email. AGAIN THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT!

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