Sunday, November 15, 2009

Stalking Oprah: Day 1

So, first things first. Drum roll please...............................-3.8 this week for a grand total of 45 pounds removed! After I received my 5 lb. star, I watched in amazement as one member reached lifetime after losing 83 lbs. and another achieved goal after losing 85 lbs.

After various members received their awards, the leader then suggested that we use the WW tool Mental Rehearsing to prepare ourselves for the moment we stand in front of the WW meeting room accepting our goal or lifetime award. Mental rehearsing allows us to practice in our imagination to prepare for a successful performance such as weight loss success. After the mental rehersing spiel, I raised my hand and confessed that not only do I mentally rehearse, but I visualize the following:
...myself BUSTING through my BEFORE pic on OPRAH while Justin Timberlake's SEXYBACK plays in the background...better yet, while Justin Timberlake sings the song to me with the mic in one hand and twirling me around with the other hand. How's that for mentally rehearsing?
The leader then says, "If you get on Oprah, I'll pay for the plane ticket myself!" GAME ON! So needless to say, I just submitted my first of may emails to the Oprah show. How cool would it be for the entire 9:00 A.M. meeting participants, myself, and the leader to appear on Oprah? So many of the 9:00 A.M. members have success stories to share and inspire others.

And the leader, Karen, where to start? I credit some of my weight loss success to our award winning leader Karen. When we choose to throw in the towel, Karen refuses to give up on us or let us give up on ourselves. She makes the choice to adopt a healthier lifestyle less painful with her witty repartee (I just used one of my $5 college

So...question...Can you think of some attention getting stunt I could pull to grab the attention of Oprah and her producers. I'm thinking a video of me pretending to be on Oprah busting through a mock BEFORE the journey picture of myself. How funny would that be? What are your thoughts?


  1. Congrats Lady. -85 down is impressive but 45 down is no less amazing.

  2. I don't know what you will do, but you know hell well I wanna be right there in the audience with you!

    You can campagn for Oprah to adopt you! LOL

  3. YOU ROCK! WTG on an amazing week! :) WHOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!

  4. Your post just brought a huge smile to my face. I can just imagine you on the treadmill picturing your Oprah moment! I love your attention grabbing idea. Could you get your whole WW group to film something with you? That would be a hoot.

    I'll be sure to TiVo the show when you're on-and it will happen!

  5. Coingrats to you Girl!! You are doing great! I can't wait to watch you on Oprah!

  6. CONGRATS on the big loss this week and for reaching 45! Great job! I LOVE your visualization for the Oprah show! lol
    Ill have to put my thinking cap on for an idea to top yours and catch Oprah's eye!
    Keep it up!

  7. Hey! Thanks for the comment today! You asked about my new blog design...I got it at this site:

    Best of all, it was free and i didnt have to add anything to it

  8. I tried to leave this last night but I think my computer was acting up. So since I don't see my comment, here goes again.

    Since you look like you can break it down on the dance floor,lol.. I thought maybe you could do a dance video. Have someone that's similar in size to your before picture and have them dancing all slow and tired. Then you can say, this is me now and you break out dancing to Beyonce's song, Get Me Body. And I mean you need to work it girl.. break it on down!!! I know you got the moves! LOL!!!


First off all, THANKS for stopping by and for those of you following...THANKS for following AND indulging my MADNESS. Please feel free to holla back or provide your 2¢. I WILL TRY to respond to ALL comments via email. AGAIN THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT!

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