Remember that show...Family Fued. My favorite line from the host, Richard Dawson, "SURVEY SAYS!" I discovered this fun little survey on Erin's blog Losin' It. Just for fun, I decided to complete it! Enjoy.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
I prefer gift bags, less work. However, every Christmas Eve I wrap the boy's gifts while I listen to Christmas tunes and drink hot cocoa, my own little tradition I created. Check out the cute handles on these bags.

2. Real tree or artificial?
As a child my Mom purchased real trees. As a Mom myself, I rather an artificial tree, less muss and less fuss. For a couple of years I purchased a real tree for my own children. But loading the tree, unloading the tree, and adjusting that godforsaken tree stand to make the tree actually stand proved a bit challenging, challenging enough to make you want to untie the tree and leave it in the middle of the freeway.

I now own two trees, a big 50 ft tall bank tree and a 2 ft tall Charlie Brown tree. Since I moved, there's not much room for the huge tree. I purchased the huge tree, regular priced at over $100 bucks, for around $20 dollars.
3. When do you put up the tree?
Since I purchased the Charlie Brown tree, I usually put the tree up on Thanksgiving Day.
4. Do you like eggnog?
NO! I prefer Hot cocoa and butterscotch schnapps.
5. Favorite gift received as a child?
My Speak-n-Spell and my Easy Bake Oven, which my Mom still owns.
6. Do you have a nativity scene?
7. Hardest person to buy for?
My Mom. I usually ask her what she want and then I purchase it. If you decide to purchase a gift on your own, you risk the possibility of your gift winding up in the land of misfit gifts, in the closet under the stairs .
Last year she asked for toe socks for Christmas, this year...fancy hair clips.
8. Easiest person to buy for?
Myself of course. I always know what I want. Check out my new crisp white ruffled top my Mom bought me from New York & Co. (size large) for $7.99! Purchasing this shirt marked the first time in 5 years since my last shopping trip to New York & Co. It felt great to shop somewhere other than Layne Bryant or Ashley Stewart.

9. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Neither. I rarely send cards.
10. Favorite Christmas movie?
Miracle on 34th Street.
11. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
At the last possible minute. My middle name...Procrastinate.
12. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
My Mom's desserts, specifically her pecan candy a.k.a. pralines.
13. Clear lights or colored lights on the tree?
Clear lights...I like my tree color coordinated.
14. Favorite Christmas song?
I like any song from The Vince Guaraldi Trio's CD "A Charlie Brown Christmas". I also like Mercy Me's"Christmas Time is Here" and Nat King Cole's "A Christmas Song". O, and Johnny Mathis' version of "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year".
15. Travel or stay home at Christmas?
Sometimes we travel to my Grandma's home in Louisiana, but this year we chose to stay home.
16. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen, and of course Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!
17. Angel on tree top or star?
Star, but sometimes my Mom make me a bow.
18. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Morning?
Both. The boys get to open one gift on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas morning. Since my Mom is going out of town, tonight is Christmas at her casa.
19. The most annoying thing about this time of year?
THE TRAFFIC! That same stuff everyone rushes to the stores to buy sat on the shelves before the hustle and bustle of Christmas began. Also, the insincerity of Christmas. I told my kids make their list exist after Christmas, and we still need to eat. Why spend my last dime on gifts that I will vacuum up a week or two after Christmas?
20. What I love most about Christmas?
I love the family time, as well as the me time I receive when shopping with my Mom for our annual Girls-Day-Out Shopping Venture. Christmas is also a time for traditions. I look forward to my boys and I viewing Christmas lights followed by treats and hot cocoa at Starbucks. My son JUST asked for the SECOND time about looking at the lights.
My Mom pictured below enjoying this year's shopping excursion.